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NDSU Agriculture

A tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and Extension.


NDSU Agriculture contributes greatly to the success of students, the economic impact of North Dakota agriculture, and the lives of North Dakota citizens on a daily basis. By educating students with interests in agriculture, food systems and natural resources, extending NDSU information to all North Dakota citizens and advancing scientific knowledge through innovative research, we are working to meet the needs of people on a local and global level.

students harvesting a plant in a green house


The College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources has a tradition of excellence in educating students for real-world careers. As a student-focused, land-grant, research university, we offer students hands-on learning experiences that will allow them to be competitive in a global economy.

Visit Academics

A field with rectangles of golden wheat planted in rows with a plowed field on one side and a field of green corn on the other.


The Ag Hub is a one-stop source for research, information, and tools, from N.D. Agricultural Experiment Station and NDSU Extension, to help farmers and ranchers make informed decisions that positively impact their business. 

Visit the Ag Hub

black cows with ear tags in a pen


NDSU agricultural research improves lives through scientific advances in crop systems, livestock and rangeland management, value-added activities, and protects our great land and resources for future generations of North Dakotans.

Visit the N.D. Agricultural Experiment Station

agent mentoring youth during science camp


NDSU Extension empowers North Dakotans to improve their lives and communities through science-based education. You'll find us at work in your county, at Research Extension Centers, and at the main campus of NDSU.

Visit NDSU Extension

Support NDSU Agriculture


Gifts to support NDSU Agriculture enhance our efforts in teaching, research and extension and allow us to meet our mission of providing life-long learning opportunities and effective solutions that improve the lives of North Dakotans and build a better world. 

Learn about giving opportunities


"For the Land and Its People" newsletter features stories about the positive impact NDSU Agriculture is making in North Dakota. Sign up to learn how NDSU Agriculture advances the lives and livelihoods of North Dakotans through research, Extension and education.