rows of hail in a crop
Photo Credit:
Glenn Martin Dickinson Research Extension Center

Variety Trials Destroyed by Hail

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On June 20, 2022 the Dickinson Research Extension Center (DREC) was hit with a afternoon storm.  It began as heavy rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder, and then the hail came. It wasn’t much bigger than marble sized, but there was more than I’d ever seen at one time. I’ve never seen a hail drift until today, but there were some a foot tall. Hail overflowed gutters and cascaded like waterfalls below. Crops and gardens were wiped out.  The noise was indescribable. The Dickinson Research Extension Center was hit hard.  Due to this storm DREC will have a limited amount of Variety Trials for the year 2022.  The picture shown is from the following day.