
Cooking for One or Two

(FN521, Revised February 2021)

One- and two-person households are a growing sector in North Dakota and the United States. About 37% of U.S. two-person households (ages 45 to 64) were empty nesters. Eighty percent of those 65 and older were in two- or one-person households, according to the Population Bulletin, 2019.

They all have something in common: They need to eat!

Sometimes, cooking for one or two may seem like it’s not worth the trouble; however, everyone needs a variety of foods to stay healthy. Homemade meals usually are more nutritious, better tasting and more economical, compared with restaurant meals.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Food and Nutrition Specialist
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