Recipe Image
bowl of honey yogurt fruit dip with apple slices
Time to make
Time to make:
5 minutes

Honey Yogurt Fruit Dip


Jazz up your fruit with this sweet and healthy dip.



1 cup nonfat or low-fat plain yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons honey (or to taste)
Red and green apple slices (or fruit of choice)



Mix yogurt with vanilla and cinnamon. Add honey to taste until desired sweetness is obtained. Rinse and slice apples right before serving.

Dietary and Nutrition


Calcium is found in foods such as milk and yogurt. Calcium is a mineral that is important for growth and maintenance of your bones throughout life. Dairy foods are among the best calcium sources though it can be found in other food groups as well.

Learn more
Page Portals

Got Calcium? (FN587, Revised Jan. 2022)

Calcium is a mineral that is important for growth and maintenance of your bones throughout life. About 99 percent of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth.

Now You're Cookin': More Calcium-rich Foods! (FN697, Reviewed August 2021)

Children who eat with their families are more likely to meet their calcium needs and drink less soda pop. That’s good news because children are building strong bones and need calcium and other nutrients as the building blocks.

Focus on Fruits (FN722, Reviewed Dec. 2021)

The food icon, MyPlate, at can help you determine what you need and track your progress toward nutrition goals.

This recipe was analyzed for nutrition using Food Processor SQL Nutrition and Fitness Software and tested in the kitchen.