Recipe Image
3 bowls of smoothies with toppings
Time to make
Time to make:
5 minutes
Serving Size
Serving Size:
1/2 bowl

Smoothie Bowls


Our Smoothie Bowls are a great way to start the morning or a refreshing treat when it's soooo hot outside. Mix and match your favorite fruit to create new combinations.



½ cup spinach
½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1½ cups frozen fruit
2 tablespoons toppings (fresh fruit, granola, coconut, chia seeds, etc.)



Add spinach, yogurt and fruit to a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. Pour smoothie in a bowl and top with desired toppings.

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Dietary and Nutrition


The dairy group includes calcium-rich milk, yogurt and cheese. You are encouraged to consume low-fat and fat-free dairy products. Milk and other dairy products provide calcium, along with protein; potassium; phosphorus; vitamins D, A and B12; riboflavin; and niacin. Low-fat and fat-free milk are good choices because either option provides the calcium you need without extra amounts of fat or calories. Calcium is important for growing and maintaining strong, healthy bones, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

Learn more
Page Portals

Get Your Calcium-rich Foods (FN723, Reviewed Dec. 2021)

The dairy group is an important part of the new food icon at MyPlate provides individual recommendations based on age, sex and activity level for each group.

Got Calcium? (FN587, Revised Jan. 2022)

Calcium is a mineral that is important for growth and maintenance of your bones throughout life. About 99 percent of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth.

This recipe was analyzed for nutrition using Food Processor SQL Nutrition and Fitness Software and tested in the kitchen.