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Comments from Participants



We conduct a survey of our gardeners at the end of every year. The latest online survey was conducted in November 2021. Two hundred and nineteen of 300 (73%) gardeners responded. This survey showed:

  • >99% of gardeners would recommend this program to other gardeners.
  • 98% of gardeners were introduced to new varieties.
  • 92% of gardeners will change the way they grow their garden in the future. 
  • 81% of gardeners reported healthier diets.
  • 79% of gardeners reported more productive gardens (Note: a historic drought reduced yields of all gardeners in 2021).

Youth were encouraged to participate in the trials. Parents in these households reported:

  • 93% of children improved their diets.
  • 90% of children increased their level of physical activity.
  • 77% of children sharpened their skills in science and math.


Here is a small sample of comments from gardeners:

  • “Love this project!”
  • “This is an amazing project! I have been doing it for years and I love it.”
  • “I truly appreciate the garden trials. It helps me grow vegetables that are most suitable to our area and find ones we enjoy the most.”
  • “This project is quite fun and has improved my gardening all around. The kids enjoy it and have learned a lot.”
  • “A very well ran program.”
  • “It was very easy to participate, and I look forward to trying something -- and reporting on it -- again in 2022. Thank you.”
  • “I’ve only participated for 3 years and love this program!”
  • “This is a fantastic project. Thank you for getting regular gardeners involved to be citizen scientists. I think it is fun project and love to see results.”
  • “I rediscovered my love for gardening again after not having a garden for 10 years. Thank you.”
  • “I do really enjoy the trials. I like knowing that my experiences trying to grow new varieties can help other people.” 
  • “I love that this is a very affordable trial. Keep up the good work!”
  • “University / citizen gardener partnership is a great idea.”
  • “This is a wonderful learning adventure in gardening.”
  • “The trials are a valuable tool we use when planning our garden, determining which varieties will do well in our area.”
  • “Thank you for enriching our lives on the prairies of ND!”
  • “The ND Home Garden Variety Trials have really brightened my gardening outlook. I also enjoy participating in a group science project and seeing the year end results.”
  • “Thank you for all you do to provide the seeds at a reasonable price for this project.”
  • “I like trying the new varieties and I believe it gives me access to varieties that I would not be able to buy at local stores. Love this program!”
  • “I grew things this year that I never imagined I'd grow!”
  • “It helps us plan ahead for the next year and helps us decide on what we want to try, what we use.”
  • “The Home Garden Trials inspires me to try new varieties, new herbs, new flowers. Such a fun project. I look forward to this every spring.”
  • “The project certainly helped to expand my horizons and look at my garden in refreshing new ways.”
  • “My kids like to pick and eat the vegetables.”
  • “Not only did it contribute to a healthier diet for me, but I was able to donate much of my garden’s production to the county food bank.”
  • “My grandchildren are usually hesitant to try new vegetables but are now excited to eat from the garden we grow together.”
  • “This is a highlight of my children's summers every year. They learn so much and enjoy it!”
  • “We have learned so much from doing these trials. Every year brings out new information to carry on to future years.”
  • “I think this program makes you more aware and more accountable of your garden.”  
  • “We strive to find new varieties to grow of our favorite veggies. The kids love to plant and pick too.”
  • “I always set aside a portion of my garden for the trials, and it does encourage my husband and me to try new varieties. We love it!”
  • “My gardening practices and seed selection have become much more evolved through working with the Garden Variety Trials.”
  • “Participation in these trials has made me more attentive to my entire garden, not just the trial varieties.”
  • “This is a fun way to contribute to research and a way to try new varieties.”
  • “I enjoyed the whole experience and shared my information with fellow gardeners. I look forward to trying some new trials for this next year.”
  • “Experimentation is important in the gardening journey!”
  • “Thank you for the program. I have learned of new varieties that enhance my garden each year!”
  • “Thanks for the opportunity to become better gardeners!”

Contact Info


Tom Kalb, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University
2718 Gateway Avenue, Suite 304
Bismarck, ND 58503