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Inspecting dirty water containment ponds like this one daily is

Cyanobacteria Poisoning (Blue-green Algae)

Drinking water from stagnant ponds and dugouts during hot, dry weather can cause sudden death in animals. This water can contain certain species of cyanobacteria (glue-green algae) are toxic. Cyanobacteria produce neuro and liver toxins that are poisonous to nearly all livestock, wildlife and humans.

Livestock Water Requirements

Water is an important, but often overlooked, nutrient. Livestock water requirements are affected by many factors including, size, productivity, diet and environmental conditions. Limited access or reduced water consumption can result in dehydration, which can be fatal to livestock.

Environmental Implications of Excess Fertilizer and Manure on Water Quality

When nutrients and other pollutants associated with animal manures and commercial fertilizers are not managed properly, they can affect plant and animal life (including humans) negatively. Some of these impacts include algae blooms causing the depletion of oxygen in surface waters, pathogens and nitrates in drinking water, and the emission of odors and gases into the air.

Nitrogen Behavior in the Environment

Manure and commercial fertilizers contain nutrients essential for plant growth. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most critical of these nutrients. This publication outlines some basic information about nitrogen and its interaction in the environment.

Phosphorus Behavior in the Environment

Phosphorus (P) is a naturally occurring element that exists in minerals, soil, living organisms and water. Plant growth and development require phosphorus, like nitrogen, in large amounts. Phosphorus is essential for early root development and hastens plant maturity.

The publication provides details and examples on how to plug abandoned wells.
This publication is designed to help people interpret drinking water test results. It lists all the major constituents in typical water and their significance. The primary target audience are homeowners with their own water supply but it…
Explains the different types of household water filtration devices and their specific purposes.
Water wells can become contaminated over time, and usually, the source of contamination is within 100 feet of the well. Testing the water is the only way to know what substances are present, if your well tests positive for bacteria and/or…
This publication explains how softeners work, what to ask when purchasing a softener and the health and aesthetic benefits and or detriments.
This publication is intended to help the public identify water quality problems based on appearance, color, odor or taste and guide them towards the proper water treatment method to correct the problem.
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