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Rabbit Project

Rabbit project

In the rabbit project, you can learn about selection and raising your animals, health issues, management practices and careers.

  • Learn the basic principles of animal science by owning, caring for and keeping records on one or more head of rabbits.
  • Explore information on sound breeding, feeding and management practices.
Here's What You Can Do All Year
  • Contact your county NDSU Extension office for other local workshops, activities and events.
  • Tour a rabbit producer’s farm.
  • Attend a rabbit show and observe the judges and their techniques.
  • Attend a rabbit project meeting.
  • Design a business card or marketing brochure for your farm.
  • Write an educational article about some aspect of rabbit production for your newspaper.
  • Participate in a rabbit skillathon.
  • Organize a rabbit showmanship contest.
  • Attend a national rabbit conference.
  • Ride with a local veterinarian to learn about animal health.
  • Learn about the different uses for rabbits: meat vs. nonmeat production.
  • Consider showing in your county fair rabbit show.
  • Interested in a college education in animal science or veterinary medicine? Schedule a visit with North Dakota State University to explore those majors.
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