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Adolescent Health and Nutrition


Who Needs A Healthy Breakfast? Everybody Does! (FN728)

Eat Smart! Start your day off with breakfast. This publication makes learning fun with fill in the blank and word find quizzes.

Sports Drinks: R They Needed? (FN1400)

Sports drinks, such as Gatorade, Powerade and All Sport, contain carbohydrates and electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and chloride. They are made for physical activity, to help rehydrate and to keep energy levels high. Are sports drinks really necessary? Not always. You can get these same benefits from other sources. A sports drink is not better for you unless you are active for 60 to 90 minutes or are exercising in very hot conditions. Anything less, and water should be the drink of choice.

Face the Facts About Sports Nutrition (FN1401) Increased physical activity increases some of your food needs. Your body requires more energy and water. Food that is eaten before and between events can affect your ability to perform at your best level.

Eat Smart: Enjoy Breakfast Every Day (FN1433) Eating breakfast fuels the body with needed nutrients, provides energy for an active day, gets you ready to learn and helps you keep a healthy body.

Eat Smart: Bone Up on Calcium (FN1434) Children ages 9 to 13 need 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day to keep their bones and teeth strong. Children ages 4 to 8 need 800 milligrams of calcium per day. They also need vitamin D, which helps the body use the calcium. Milk is fortified with vitamin D. Many foods contain calcium. The best sources are milk, yogurt and cheese. Fish, soy products and nuts also are good sources of calcium. Some fruit juices, cereals, breads, snacks and other foods have added calcium.

Eat Smart. Play Hard. Do You Need an Energy Drink? (FN1435) People often substitute energy drinks for healthier beverage choices, so compare the Nutrition Facts labels. Energy drinks provide few if any of the needed vitamins and minerals provided by healthier beverage choices. Plain water is a better choice for most individuals.

Play Hard! Get Your Physical Activity (FN1437) Physical activity helps build and maintain a strong body. Be active every day! Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Adults need at least 30 minutes of physical activity to stay healthy.

Eat Smart: Choose Health Pre- and Post-game Meals (FN1438) Have a light meal so it can be digested easily. The pregame meal should include a variety of foods but focus on carbohydrate rich food such as bread or pasta. Make sure to include grains, fruits and vegetables in the meal. Drink plenty of fluids.

Eat Smart: Choose Healthful Snacks (FN1439) Think of snacks as minimeals that help provide nutrients and energy you need to grow, play and learn. Most kids do best when they eat four to six smaller meals a day.

Eat Smart. Play Hard. Do You Need a Sports Drink? (FN1440) Sports drinks are recommended only to increase your physical performance if you are physically active for more than 60 to 90 minutes. Anything less, water should be the drink of choice because it’s better for hydration. Make sure to drink enough fluids before, during and after physical activity.

Love Your Heart! (FN1689) The heart is a pump that provides oxygen to each and every cell of the body. Feel your pulse: Each time your heart beats, it is moving blood by expanding and contracting. It is a muscle that is essential to life, which is why treating your heart with care is so important. Keeping your heart strong starts with good choices we make when we are young. Being physically active and eating a healthful diet keeps our heart beating strong.