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Apple Trees

Apples on apple tree in a close up with farmhouse behind
Diagnosing Common Issues in Apple Trees
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Diagnosing Apple Tree Leaf Spots

There are several different root causes behind spotting on apple tree leaves. Below are several of the most common types of leaf spot issues you're likely to encounter in North Dakota. 

Diagnosing Apple Tree Leaf Discoloration

Discoloration can be alarming on your apple tree leaves and with good reason. There are a few common causes behind this problem and we have some management tips to help you combat the problem. 

Diagnosing Apple Tree Leaves with Holes or Webbing

Diagnosing Apple Tree Leaves with Holes or Webbing

Diagnosing Apple Tree Fruit Problems

You may see many different issues on the surface of your apples as they ripen on their branches. Below are some of the most common ones we're likely to experience here in North Dakota. 

Diagnosing Apple Tree Crown Gall

Crown gall is caused by a soil-borne bacterium that enters tree wounds caused by mower damage, pruning, frost cracks, insects or planting damage.
Apple Tree Publications
Research continues to show that the fiber and natural antioxidants and other phytochemicals ("plant chemicals") in apples may help prevent chronic diseases. Learn about growing apple trees, apples and health, and how to preserve and…
Pesticides can increase the quality and quantity of our food supply, prevent disease and improve the comfort and aesthetics of our environment. The use of pesticides is not without risks. Every pesticide applicator is responsible for…
Beside shade and wind protection, many trees provide edible fruits that can be used on our menus. This publication provides information about trees, as well as, many recipes that show how they can be incorporated into our menus.
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