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Health and Well-being

older couple exercising outside
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As we age, our health and well-being are not just about preventing disease and chronic conditions, it includes mental, spiritual, and social health as well. People are living longer, making it more important than ever to seek preventative strategies and promote health and well-being in order to live life to the fullest.

Featured Programs
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Aging Mastery Program

Aging Mastery Program

Aging Mastery Program educates and engages older adults as they take manageable steps toward aging well.
An older man standing on a running path looking at his mobile device. He's wearing athletic clothing and earbuds.
Photo Credit:

Fit & Strong!

Fit & Strong! is a 12-week program that includes 60-minutes of exercise and 30-minutes of group discussion/health education
Tai Ji Quan - Moving for Better Balance

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TJQMBB) is a national evidence-based program designed to help older adult improve both static and dynamic postural stability, mindful control of body positioning in space, and more.
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National Diabetes Prevention Program logo

Diabetes Prevention Program

The lifestyle change program includes education and support for people with prediabetes and those at high risk for prediabetes and is designed to help people lose weight, be more active, and to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes.
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Nourishing Your Mind and Body: Manage Stress for Better Health (FS1730, Reviewed April 2020)

People have different definitions of stress. Probably the most common definition is “physical, mental or emotion strain or tension.” Stress is different for all of us.

Look after Your Eyes (FN710, Reviewed June 2023)

This is a short guide to age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in the United States for people over age 60.

Understanding Depression in Later Life
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