Unfavorable growing conditions can result in stressed crops that are not suitable for harvest. With proper management, they may be utilized as feed or forage for livestock.Stressed crops resulting from unfavorable weather conditions…
The Cow Herd Appraisal Performance Software (CHAPS) has been used by beef producers and Extension professionals for more than 35 years. CHAPS provides industry standards and reliable data to enable producers to make informed management…
New knowledge in forage quality and animal feeding, and significant advances in improving the genetic potential of animals used to produce milk, meat and wool, improve efficiency and lower costs. However, to do this, today’s producer must…
Plants utilized in the feeding of livestock have long been a fundamental link in the food chain. Native grasses supported grazing animals well before man began to domesticate livestock. Forages have always been an extremely important…
Twelve new early and late-maturing silage corn hybrids (relative maturity from 94 to 111 days) were ensiled in laboratory silos at moisture concentrations from 60% to 72% and evaluated for nutrient concentration and quality. Generally,…
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of nutrient restriction during mid to late gestation on net uterine, fetal and uteroplacental flux of glucose and amino acids. Results from this study demonstrate that timing and…
Corn residue is a useful feedstuff for beef cattle. Producers should consider incorporating these fee resources into their grazing and feeding programs to reduce the cost of production
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding vitamin and mineral supplement and two different rates of gain during the first 83 days of pregnancy on trace mineral concentrations in maternal and fetal liver. Our…