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Horse Quiz Bowl


The North Dakota 4-H horse quiz bowl contest provides an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H horse projects to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail. This contest provides an educational experience for participants and spectators. Competition in the quiz bowl encourages 4-H members to develop a more complete knowledge of an animal and related subjects. As a result, a quiz bowl contest is an excellent way to develop self-confidence and excellent teamwork skills. This contest provides an educational program for all project members, including those who may not own a project animal. Teams compete in a single- or double-elimination format by giving oral answerers to questions posed by a moderator after answering by pushing the buzzer first. Each match has an individual one-on-one and a toss-up question round.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Stimulate learning in the animal and equine science industry
  • Youth develop positive interests and attitudes about animal science and related careers
  • Youth gain a base of knowledge of animal and equine science projects
  • Youth will utilize skills and abilities to solve everyday situations
  • Reward 4-H members for knowledge gained in a subject matter area
  • Provide a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail
  • Participants will process information, analyze complex problems and make informed decisions regarding current equine, environmental, health and horse industry issues
  • Youth develop teamwork, self-confidence, public speaking and decision-making skills
  • An increased number of participants seek higher education opportunities and careers related to animal and/or equine science

Age Divisions

Who May Enter

Levels of Involvement


  • Registration will go through 4H-Online.
  • Register by late registration date to avoid extra charges. Changes and substitutions may be made at registration on the day of the contest.
  • Lunch is provided; add the number of lunches needed for coaches/chaperones/etc. Please let us know if anyone has dietary needs by the Friday before the contest.
  • Registration cost: $10* per individual. *Costs are subject to change based on expenses that year and the area where contest is hosted.
    • Make checks payable to 4-H Foundation and send to: NDSU, ATTN: Holly Halvorson, Dept. 7280 FLC 219. PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108.

The deadline for the winning state 4-H horse judging team to decide to go to nationals: July 1

Quiz Bowl Contest Rules
6 Team Bracket System