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Participant Resources



Master Gardener Moodle Course


Each January the NDSU Extension Master Gardener Program reports our work from the previous calendar year to the National Master Gardener Program. We tally volunteer hours worked, educational experiences created and attended, and food/produce donations. Sending in forms that meet the minimum requirements by November 15 guarantees re-certification, qualifies you to be a potential award nominee, and helps our program make the best impact nationally!

Certified Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns

The Volunteer Hours Reporting form and Continuing Education form are due by November 15 but are appreciated as soon as seasonal projects or hours are complete.

Annual requirements for Certified Master Gardeners are 20 hours of volunteer service completed within ND or a bordering county and 10 hours of continuing education.

Requirements for MG Interns are to fulfill 48 hours of community, teaching, and administrative service in their first two years with the program. Master Gardener Interns are not required to complete 10 hours of continuing education annually during their internship period but are certainly welcome to report continuing education events they choose to attend.

Volunteer Hours Reporting Form
Continuing Education Form

Master Gardener Diagnosticians and Apprentices

Master Gardeners, you may report both your diagnostician hours and your regular volunteer service hours on this form. Please use the continuing education form to report those hours separately.

Diagnostician Hours Reporting Form

Reporting Food Bank and Garden Trial Volunteerism

Donating to Local Food Banks

Master Gardeners and MG Interns can donate their fresh garden produce to local food pantries to help support the Hunger Free ND Garden Project.

Master Gardeners will earn 1 volunteer hour for every 5 pounds of produce they donate to a food pantry. In addition, you can count the amount of time that it takes to drive to and from the food pantry. Please weigh your produce at the participating food pantry and keep track of the weight on your reporting forms.

For those of you tending a dedicated community garden for such a project, you have the choice of either counting all your hours in taking care of the garden plus transporting the produce to the food pantry OR you can use the 5 lbs per hour rule.

Donation Locations

Participation in NDSU Release Trials

Sometimes the opportunity to grow and monitor a recent or possible NDSU variety in your home garden can spring up. This work can be added into your Master Gardener volunteer or MG Intern Administrative Service hours.

Each trial that you monitor is equal to two hours of certified volunteer or intern admin service time (one hour of service per cultivar). In 2023, this work can total of up to 16 hours (eight trials) for the entire year. You are welcome to participate in spring and fall trials but a total of 16 hours is the maximum to be counted toward MG volunteer time.

Submission of Forms

  • Scan and email to:
  • Fax to: ATTN: Shannon Ueker, 701.231.8474
  • USPS mail to: NDSU Extension Master Gardener, Dept 7670, PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108