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Food Preparation

Stuffed Pepper Soup in a large cup on table next to red and green peppers
Food Preparation Publications
Many people do not meet the current daily recommendations for fruits (or vegetables). On average, adults need at least 1½ cups of fruit per day.
Fruit is nutritious, colorful and flavorful. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories. Fruit provides many essential nutrients that often are underconsumed, including vitamins C and A and folate, as well as potassium and…
Enjoy fruit at its best with these tips.
Fruit is naturally sweet and provides a source of natural sugar to your diet. Keep bowls of strawberries, grapes, or melon in your refrigerator to they are ready to grab when you are craving a snack
Proper packaging helps keep food from drying out preserves nutritive value, flavor, texture and color.
Freezing is one of the easiest, quickest, most versatile and most convenient methods of preserving foods. Properly frozen foods maintain more of their original color, flavor and texture and generally more of their nutrients than foods…
Use these ideas to help you choose healthful foods to donate to food pantries.
Drying is a long-standing, fairly easy method of food preservation. Whenever you preserve foods, choose the best-quality fruits and vegetables. As with other food preservation methods, drying does not improve food quality. Proper and…
Fruit leathers are nutritious, high-energy snacks for children and adults. Fruit leathers are portable, making them convenient additions to school lunchboxes or backpacks when camping or hiking. Making fruit leather is a good way to use…
Pickling is one of the oldest known methods of food preservation. Pickled foods add a special touch to many snacks and meals.
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