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Work on Environmental Wellness as a Family


The areas of wellness most commonly referred to are emotional, intellectual, physical, work, social, financial and spiritual. To have wellness in all of these areas, many people feel that environmental wellness is necessary, too.

One of the ways we can work on family wellness is to consider our own environments. Environmental wellness encompasses not only the health of the whole planet, but also your own living space.

To get started on your home environment, do a quick assessment of your living space. Is it healthy for all of the people who live there? Do you store food properly and clean your dishes after each meal? Can you think of these chores in a different way? The time you take to team up and clean up after a meal is time to spend talking to other family members about their day.

Of course, you have many ways you also can improve the Earth’s wellness: reduce waste, recycle, reuse, renew old items. Save natural resources by turning off unnecessary lights, repairing drippy plumbing, opening and closing blinds to conserve heat and cooling, and turning off the water while brushing your teeth. These tiny steps add up to a healthier environment for everyone.

For more information on wellness, contact your local office of the NDSU Extension Service and ask about “Overdone, Practicing Wellness in Busy Families” classes. 

Source: Kim Bushaw, NDSU Family Science Specialist, 701-231-7450.