Recipe Image
pie pan with a slice of impossible brunch pie
Time to make
Time to make:
50 minutes
Serving Size
Serving Size:
1/6 pie

Impossible Brunch Pie


Invite your friends over for brunch to try this Impossible Brunch Pie. Except you'll see that it is IS POSSIBLE to make!



4 slices bacon (or use ½ cup chopped cooked ham, chicken or turkey)
1 (10 ounce) package frozen broccoli, spinach or asparagus, thawed and chopped
1 cup low-fat sour cream
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese, small curd
½ cup baking mix (such as Bisquick)
¼ cup butter or margarine, melted
2 eggs
1 tomato, peeled and sliced
¼ cup Parmesan cheese



Preheat oven to 350 F. Brown bacon and crumble. Grease a 10-inch pie plate (or square pan) and spread chopped broccoli, spinach or asparagus on the bottom. Top with crumbled bacon or chopped meat. Mix sour cream, cottage cheese, baking mix, butter or margarine and eggs. Pour mixture over bacon or chopped meat. Top with tomatoes and Parmesan cheese. Bake for 35 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean and the internal temperature reaches 160 F. Cool for five minutes before serving.

Dietary and Nutrition


Protein foods include chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs, peanut butter, milk, seeds, beans and nuts. Include lean protein such as chicken, beans and eggs at each meal to get enough protein for the day. Adult women age 19 and older should get about 46 grams (g) of protein per day and adult men should get about 56 g per day. 

Learn more
Page Portals

Nourish Your Immune System (FN1773 Reviewed Oct. 2022)

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All About Food Allergens: Eggs (FN1827, Reviewed March 2022)

This publication deals with food allergies and is intended for the use in parent education programs and by high school teachers.

This recipe was analyzed for nutrition using Food Processor SQL Nutrition and Fitness Software and tested in the kitchen.